College admissions scandal: where do college-bound families go from here?

Nearly a week after the news first broke, the country is still fixated on the college admissions scandal. And rightfully so–this isn’t something that should fall by the wayside, with business proceeding as usual.

We suspect this scandal is far further reaching than the schools and 30-something parents charged. Hopefully this case will cause sweeping changes within college admissions involving transparency, ethics and fairness.

(Here’s an inside look at what college admissions looks like under normal circumstances, as a side note).

We too are gripped by the headlines, eager to see what’s next for college admissions. But right now we are much more focused on the parents concerned about what all this means for their children–teens who are working hard to for a fair shot at college.

Parents are wondering, “has this scandal unknowingly affected my child’s chances for college? Who in this mess is looking out for us?”

And we feel that. Many of our seniors are waiting to hear back from schools involved in the scandal. They are rightfully concerned and upset.

As one of our senior parents so eloquently said,

My son worked his tail off in high school to get to this point, applying to colleges.  He is ranked #1 in the Gahanna Lincoln High School Class of 2019.  He has enough college credits to start as a sophomore.

I found College Liftoff to help us through the process, knowing the process has changed so much from we applied to college way back when.  Feeling excited and nervous about the responses, College Liftoff helped us feel confident and prepared.

As we are waiting for acceptances, this scandal breaks out.  At first, we were shaken by the announcement and the severity of the charges.  Then we started to get angry. People of wealth and status are doing such stupid things to get their children into the “prestigious universities”…sadly it’s no surprise.

Now we feel the scandal hitting us personally as we wait for responses from some of the schools involved in the scandal. Do we want our money going to those schools if they don’t take some responsibility in the corruption?  Do we forget about them all together?

How do we determine the ethics of a school, an athletic department or a college prep service?

I can only answer one question with absolute certainty.  College Liftoff did not promise my son a guarantee on any “dream” school, or any scholarship or any test score.  They did not ask for a ridiculous amount of money for two years of invaluable counseling services.  They did not write the essays for my son or ask for our financials for FAFSA.

College Liftoff has always kept their ethics intentional and transparent.  I know we will get through this together.

We realize what a difficult time this scandal has caused for teens and parents, and it’s a shame. Applying to college is already stressful enough for teens and their families. It’s expensive, confusing, and time consuming. There is already so much unknown. All this scandal does is make hopeful teens and parents feel more lost and alone in this area.

Our mission, for nearly 10 years, has been to secure teens’ futures–not elite dream schools, but futures–and save families time, stress and money in the process. We are here to advocate for teens and their parents in the college application process. We work with families alone, one on one, for more than 40 hours–without any outside influences.

If you have any questions regarding college admissions in the wake of this scandal–or just want to vent, even–send us a note or give us a call. We enjoy the dialogue and will be returning any emails and messages promptly. The more parents talk and learn, the more empowered they are when it comes to applying to college.

College Liftoff is Ohio’s premier college planning firmSince 2009, College Liftoff has helped hundreds of teens find their best-fitting colleges and career paths, while saving their families more than $30 million in higher education costs.  

College Liftoff’s motto is “securing your son or daughter’s brightest future…and saving you thousands of dollars along the way.” Let them do the same for  you.

Learn more today. Call 614-329-6633 or visit